Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bath time is fun

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

2 months already

I can't believe that Aubrey is already 2 months old (as of yesterday officially)! She has changed so much and seems so much bigger. I call her my little sack of potatoes because she actually feels heavy now when I pick her up. We have been weighing her at home and think she is somewhere near the 10.5 mark. We have a doctor's appt on Thursday so we'll post new numbers then.

The other night she was rockin' some tummy time and this happened. Brian said it was just a fluke but she then did it another 2 times. Check it out - but ignore the really annoying voice!

She also has discovered her hands. She has two little fists that she stares at in amazement when we are in the car. Here she is pretending to have an ice cream cone one day recently on our walk.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

We are thankful

Today is a day to really reflect on all of the blessings and miracles that we have experienced this year. Brian and I are so thankful for Aubrey and all of the joy that she has brought to us. We are thankful for the family and friends that have helped us celebrate Aubrey and have provided love and support to us along the way. We are thankful for our health (Brian is finally feeling better!), our jobs, the community at church that is phenomenal and of course Osito too! Babies that sleep through the night are on that list too! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sign Language

Seems like Miss Aubrey
already knows how to
communicate with her hands...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Growth spurt?!?!?!

So Aubrey has napped this week! That is awesome and no small feat - but you probably wouldn't understand unless you were here when she was having an overtired meltdown. She actually napped for one full hour on Wednesday (longest nap ever)! I thought maybe we were just finally into a nap groove but then I googled baby growth spurts and found that extra eating and extra sleeping can be an indicator of growth spurts. I found out that babies typically have a growth spurt around 6 weeks - I think she is one week behind. Big surprise there though seeing as Miss Aubrey seems to follow her own time schedule as we saw with her due date that came and went.
The bottom picture shows her napping in her chair - I was pumping and went over to the sink to clean up and found her sleeping so I needed to get a pic to commemorate this incredible accomplishment :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yesterday was Osito's 2 year anniversary with us. We have a little picture where he actually was looking straight at the camera for once (must be because he knew that it was a special day)! We celebrated with him by getting some yummy cinnamon frosted pumpkin cookies. I swore I would never spoil my dog...but it has happened, however I blame it all on Brian because he is worse than I am. If you have seen him with Osito then you know what I am talking about.
As mentioned in a previous blog Aubrey is starting to get some fuzz on the top of her head. She is now losing it in the back though too. She's sportin' quite the hairstyle!
She's also getting better at tummy time. Here is a picture of her taking a little break but looking all girlie in an outfit that Nana and Papa sent to her.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

Today we ventured downtown to have lunch with Jenny. Aubrey was awesome and slept almost the whole time! This was good because not only did we not have an unhappy camper in public but she was also happier at home because she napped for more than 10-20 minutes. Everyone was a winner today!

Here is a picture of the happy little one as well as a sleeping pic from last night which was just too cute not to post. If you click on the sleeping pic you can see that little hairs are starting to sprout on her head - yay for hair!

She recently just started smiling a whole lot more which I thought meant that she was lovin' life and mommy and daddy when she smiled at them. Today she started smiling up at the ceiling...what does that say about the smiles she gives to us?!?!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Last week I got the all clear from the doctor to go back to the gym which was great news!!! I then got hit with a nasty infection so didn't hit the gym until today. It was AMAZING!!! Brian and Aubrey bonded at home - doesn't she look happy hangin' with her dad?

Osito decided to make himself comfortable in Aubrey's chair tonight. Brian then turned the vibrate option on which will guarantee that he never jumps in there again!

And this other picture was just too cute not to post because she looks like a little tiny burrito baby. That was at 7 am this morning and I was trying to get Miss Aubrey to fall back to sleep for awhile - and yes I was successful! :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The rub down!

Yesterday we went to a baby massage class being offered at the chiropractor's. Aubrey was not all that into it at first but once we got going she loved it! She actually was making happy noises while on her belly, which is a first for her! There were a total of 5 babies there and she was the youngest but one of the most well behaved! Yay!!!! She loved looking around and checking out all of the other little ones. She's pumped to get a little massage from Dad tonight after her bath :)

Friday, November 6, 2009


Poor Aubrey has had a rough week! Wednesday we had a doctor's appt and she had a complete meltdown in the waiting room. There was no consoling her for a good 5 minutes...which means that I have officially become that person with the screaming child!

Once we got into our own room she was happy as a clam. We saw the nurse practitioner, got some antibiotics for me and were on our way. We went to CVS to fill the script and she had a meltdown in the store. We went to the car and she ate right there in the parking lot. We've gotten really good at scoping out feeding spaces in various parking lots!

We then went to meet up with Brian for dinner which worked out well because she through it all. Once we got to the parking lot she freaked out so she got to have her dinner there in the Joe's parking lot.

Yesterday her grampa came to visit and she did well until late afternoon when she started melting. That lasted most of the evening!

Today I figured she would make up for the lack of sleep from the past 2 days but I was wrong! She slept in the car on the way to the chiropractor and then woke up and started freaking out throughout my massage. It ended early as a result! Some of the ladies at the front took her during my adjustment and she was happy, happy, happy for them!

We got back in the car and she slept for a bit and then woke up very unhappy. We took Osito for a walk and she snoozed for about 25 minutes and the woke up screaming again. She is now finally getting a much needed nap!

Any ideas for an overtired baby that fights sleep? ??? All advice is appreciated!!! She is a great night sleeper but doesn't sleep much during the day (most days) so we have days like above. Poor baby!

Even though she had a rough week I was able to get a few good pics...Enjoy!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The little frog...

We searched everywhere for a costume for Aubrey but everywhere we looked had things from 0-3 months which were huge. We finally found something at Wal-Mart but the only choices were a flower or a frog so of course we went with the frog! I was so excited for her 1st Halloween and to have her dressed up and wanted to get some good pics. She of course had other plans (is that any surprise)????? She ended up sleeping the entire evening away and totally missed out on the night. Not next year though...

We went to Alice and Bob's on Tuesday and Uncle Bob got some good pics of her in the costume.