Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Science Museum Trip 2

Aubrey and I took one last trip to the Science Museum before my schedule went back to normal. This time it was pretty packed with lots of kids. We started off on the first floor climbing the tower and Aubrey seemed a bit intimidated by the big kids. We ventured upstairs to have lunch and then to play. Aubrey's favorite exhibit is the bikes. She's not quite tall enough to ride them yet but she kept trying and didn't want any help from me! They have a "bike wash" set up where the kids ride through which is what she is doing in that picture. She had fun playing music on the wrench xylophone and shopping in the store. She made a pizza in the kitchen as you can see with the apron on! we even got to be crafty that day. They have a huge castle in the arts room which she got to help paint purple. We also made bugs out of packing peanuts and pipe cleaners and painted mirror image animals where one half of the paper is painted and then folded over to decorate the other side. She loved all of the painting! Now that my schedule is Monday-Friday we are going to need to bring Brian with us on a weekend so he can play too!

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