Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Potty Training...

Nana and Papa sent Aubrey some big girl underwear for her birthday. We thought we'd try using them out her first weekend as a 2 year old. We decided to go cold turkey - no diapers. Saturday we had a 40/60 success rate. As the day went on she got a bit better and going in the potty. Whenever she would go she'd get super excited and jump off the potty to look. At one point she got up, turned around, peeked in the potty and yelled, "My pee pee in the potty". Yup she was proud! The downside to all of this is that she got so excited each time that she wouldn't let all of the pee out. Just about 15 minutes after the big potty success the rest would follow...all over the carpet!

Sunday we headed to church so she went in a diaper. This shot the rest of the day out of the water. We had no success on the potty. She did however pee in her playroom. She was standing right next to the plastic chair roller on the floor when she started to let it all go. I bumped her back on to it for easy clean up. She looked at me and said, "Ha ha ha - funny!" She is so my child!

That Monday she went to school in underwear. We tried that for a week and a half and weren't having any success - just lots of wet clothes. She's now back to diapers again. One of the underwear days I went to pick her up from school and found her wearing this crazy outfit!

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