Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 22, 2011

2 Year Stats

The day after Aubrey's birthday we went to see Dr. Jones for her 2 yr. check up. She asked how Aubrey's language was and I told her she had quite a lot of words in her vocabulary. Dr. Jones gave Aubrey a book and they read it together. When they finished it she looked at me and said, "She does have a lot of words!" She was pretty impressed!

Aubrey ended up needing one shot while we were there as well as a finger prick. She didn't flinch at all with the finger prick. When the shot came she screamed for all of 2 seconds and was then ok. I always dread the shots but the last two times we went she was a rockstar!

And now for the stats.....
Aubrey weighs 21.3 pounds. This put her in the 1% for weight. Dr. Jones said that she is not concerned - basically she said Aubrey is just petite! We keep trying to add some meat to her petite bones! She stands tall at 31.5 inches which puts her in the 8% for height.

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