Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 22, 2011

34 week bump

Here is a picture of Aubrey and I at the 34 week mark. You can she wants to be picked up. She really likes being picked up. It's getting harder and harder to hoist her up though. She weighs 21 lbs and I have gained 23 pounds. All that extra weight makes it hard to move!

She is still nursing in the mornings and the evenings and doesn't seem to mind the bump. The baby gets super active when she nurses. One night the baby started kicking and having a full out party in my belly for a whole 2 hours after Aubrey finished nursing!

This bump seems to be riding lower that Aubrey was. The baby's heart rate is always in the 130's. According to wives tales these both could indicate a boy. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

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