Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Haunted House

Aubrey and I had bought a gingerbread Haunted House at Michael's in preparation for Halloween. She and Brian decorated it one night after dinner. Aubrey had a blast and thought it was great! Brian on the other hand had other thoughts about it...It was not cooperating with him so as you can see it ended up a bit lopsided and messy but it stood!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

2 Year Stats

The day after Aubrey's birthday we went to see Dr. Jones for her 2 yr. check up. She asked how Aubrey's language was and I told her she had quite a lot of words in her vocabulary. Dr. Jones gave Aubrey a book and they read it together. When they finished it she looked at me and said, "She does have a lot of words!" She was pretty impressed!

Aubrey ended up needing one shot while we were there as well as a finger prick. She didn't flinch at all with the finger prick. When the shot came she screamed for all of 2 seconds and was then ok. I always dread the shots but the last two times we went she was a rockstar!

And now for the stats.....
Aubrey weighs 21.3 pounds. This put her in the 1% for weight. Dr. Jones said that she is not concerned - basically she said Aubrey is just petite! We keep trying to add some meat to her petite bones! She stands tall at 31.5 inches which puts her in the 8% for height.

34 week bump

Here is a picture of Aubrey and I at the 34 week mark. You can she wants to be picked up. She really likes being picked up. It's getting harder and harder to hoist her up though. She weighs 21 lbs and I have gained 23 pounds. All that extra weight makes it hard to move!

She is still nursing in the mornings and the evenings and doesn't seem to mind the bump. The baby gets super active when she nurses. One night the baby started kicking and having a full out party in my belly for a whole 2 hours after Aubrey finished nursing!

This bump seems to be riding lower that Aubrey was. The baby's heart rate is always in the 130's. According to wives tales these both could indicate a boy. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

Potty Training...

Nana and Papa sent Aubrey some big girl underwear for her birthday. We thought we'd try using them out her first weekend as a 2 year old. We decided to go cold turkey - no diapers. Saturday we had a 40/60 success rate. As the day went on she got a bit better and going in the potty. Whenever she would go she'd get super excited and jump off the potty to look. At one point she got up, turned around, peeked in the potty and yelled, "My pee pee in the potty". Yup she was proud! The downside to all of this is that she got so excited each time that she wouldn't let all of the pee out. Just about 15 minutes after the big potty success the rest would follow...all over the carpet!

Sunday we headed to church so she went in a diaper. This shot the rest of the day out of the water. We had no success on the potty. She did however pee in her playroom. She was standing right next to the plastic chair roller on the floor when she started to let it all go. I bumped her back on to it for easy clean up. She looked at me and said, "Ha ha ha - funny!" She is so my child!

That Monday she went to school in underwear. We tried that for a week and a half and weren't having any success - just lots of wet clothes. She's now back to diapers again. One of the underwear days I went to pick her up from school and found her wearing this crazy outfit!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Science Museum Trip 2

Aubrey and I took one last trip to the Science Museum before my schedule went back to normal. This time it was pretty packed with lots of kids. We started off on the first floor climbing the tower and Aubrey seemed a bit intimidated by the big kids. We ventured upstairs to have lunch and then to play. Aubrey's favorite exhibit is the bikes. She's not quite tall enough to ride them yet but she kept trying and didn't want any help from me! They have a "bike wash" set up where the kids ride through which is what she is doing in that picture. She had fun playing music on the wrench xylophone and shopping in the store. She made a pizza in the kitchen as you can see with the apron on! we even got to be crafty that day. They have a huge castle in the arts room which she got to help paint purple. We also made bugs out of packing peanuts and pipe cleaners and painted mirror image animals where one half of the paper is painted and then folded over to decorate the other side. She loved all of the painting! Now that my schedule is Monday-Friday we are going to need to bring Brian with us on a weekend so he can play too!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Miss Aubrey

Happy 2nd birthday to our girl! I can't believe that 2 years have passed already since Aubrey has been part of our world. Aubrey started her day off with many "Happy Birthdays" and a few rousing versions of the song. We then headed to school so that she could have some fun and celebrate with her friends. When we got into her room she was talking about her birthday and was so excited. I picked her up around 2:30 and was told she was super excited all day. They sang "Happy Birthday" at school and she kept talking about Nana and Papa whenever the song was sang. Nana and Papa had called Aubrey the night before and sang to her which is why she kept mentioning them.

Aubrey and I came home and played for a bit before getting ready for her party. We had some special dinner plans that night. Brian had smoked some pork and we were having Jeremy, Eunice, Don, Laurie, Becky, Dave and Isaac over for dinner. Aubrey had a blast and loved playing with Isaac.

After dinner we had cake. Aubrey had wanted a chocolate cake with yellow icing and black writing. The cake was a group effort - I baked it and Brian decorated it. Aubrey had a few bites but that was about it. Everyone sang and she got embarrassed. Aubrey wouldn't really look at anyone but just kept looking around the room with the panicked look on her face. At one point she even put her head down on the table. She really does not like being the center of attention!

After cake it was time for presents. Aubrey had fun opening her gifts up. She got some bubbles and CD's from Nani and a check from Nana. Dona and Laurie gave her a Target gift card and an educational apple that covers letters, numbers, animals and other things with English and Spanish. Nana and Papa sent some big girl underwear, socks, a few outfits, some books and some beautiful jewelry. Jeremy and Eunice got her a slide which she and Isaac had a blast using once it was put together. We got her a Leapfrog lap top because she loves our computer so much.

All in all I think she had a great day. She was so excited that it was her day and she definitely got pampered. We had so much fun celebrating with her! She's growing up way too quickly!