Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011

The real post from today....

So here is the post that was supposed to go up tonight. I just posted the one from last night so today is a 2 for 1! Today we had some potential big plans (Sedona, a lake or maybe the zoo). None of them panned out due to traffic and a late start. We made the most of the day anyways! Jeremy, Brian, Trixie and Osito were heading out for a walk and I told Brian that Aubrey should go with them. He happily took her with them and they unhappily returned a short time later. Apparently she was standing near a cactus and Brian told her not to touch it. Of course she decided to do just the opposite - they came home and he said she was shaking and waving her hand the whole way home. Once she came in and we started to take the prickers out she started to howl. Poor kiddo. We tried so hard to get them out but I'm not sure we were successful in removing them all. She screamed for so long and it took her awhile to settle down. Those darn things are painful!

Once we got out what we could and Aubrey settled down we headed out for lunch. We went to get pizza which is currently her favorite. The added bonus was that this place had a fun kids area set up with tables, chairs, blocks and a small kitchen. She was in heaven!

After lunch we went bowling and Aubrey had some assistance from both Brian and Jeremy. This bowling alley didn't have the ramps for her to use so she got to push the ball down the alley. Her score was 84 which even included a strike!

After bowling we headed home for a nap, a snack and then a trip to the park. We capped off the evening with a trip to the store to get some things for dinner tonight. After wolfing down her strawberries, cheese and smoked pork she had a bath and then was off to bed. Hopefully she'll sleep through the night tonight....we shall see! :)

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