Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Her body has been invaded again...

Sickness strikes again! Aubrey had a great day on Saturday. We went to downtown Chandler to check out some chihuahua races. They had a lot of booths set up for the community and Aubrey got a quick visual dental exam (everything looks good!). We then went to eat lunch and after that we went to Jeremy and Eunice's to swim. The pool was a bit chilly and Aubrey wasn't super excited about it at first but she adjusted. Later that night we had our bowling league. We got home around 10:15 and as I was carrying Aubrey inside she threw up. Poor kiddo!

Sunday morning she woke up around 6:30 and got into bed with us. She was just drifting off and she threw up again. The rest of the day was pretty calm but then it happened again before dinner and she ended up with diarrhea too.

Yesterday I woke up with the bug too so she and I had a sick day at home together. No throwing for her but lots and lots of diapers! We had a good day doing various arts and crafts projects.

Today I thought she was all better. She woke up at 3:00 am and it was party time. For the next 20ish minutes she smiled, rolled around and talked before finally going back to sleep. She did great this morning and headed to the doctor's with me for an 8 am appt. We pulled into the school parking lot at 8:50 and as I was opening to door to get her she got super sick. EVERYWHERE! All over herself and the car seat. Poor kiddo! I got her cleaned up and cleaned the seat as well as I could (thank goodness for wipes!). We headed over to see her doctor at 10:00 am. They were commenting on how active she was and how she didn't seem to be acting sick. I explained that she was a tough cookie and that it takes a lot to bring her down. The doctor said she wanted to make sure that it wasn't a UTI. That meant that they needed to give her a catheter. Poor, poor kid! It was awful to have to see but once it was over she was her usual happy self. The good news is that at first glance they doctor said they don't think there is a UTI. Their guess is that it's a virus that needs to run it's course. It's time for this thing to go!!!!

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