Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011


Grrr....I had this post ready to go last night and was waiting for the video to load. Almost 24 hours later and it still won't load - I give up! Here is the post with 2 cute pictures instead...look how far she has come in a year!

Aubrey has words and words galore! Many are her own but she usually has no problem repeating things when we ask. Last week she was standing in the kitchen and I looked at her and said, "Hi Baby!" She then looked up at me and said, "Hi Baby!" This girl is too funny! All week this has been our joke - I will say it and she repeats it. We're now working on "love you".

1 comment:

  1. Devon- a tip on the videos- load them to youtube then embed in the blog. I had to start doing this because the videos took FOR-EV-ER to load. With youtube it isn't being stored on google either- which takes up less storage space :)
