Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

Peaches for you, Peaches for me!

Saturday we went peach picking with Katherine. Aubrey had a blast! Katherine sat in the back seat with her on the trip there and back and they had a blast laughing and giggling together. We sampled a lot of peach foods - peach butter, peach preserves, peach candy, dried peaches, etc. Aubrey liked the candy but wasn't a huge fan of anything else! We then all split a giant plate of peach pancakes and sausage. Aubrey wasn't such a fan of the pancakes or peaches but gobbled up the sausage. After breakfast we jumped on the hayride and took a ride out to the fields to go picking. Aubrey had a great time trying to pick the "apples". We kept telling her they were peaches but as far as she was concerned they were apples! She took one off the tree and decided to sample it - after 2 bites she was done! Apple and plum season is coming in a few weeks...

1 comment:

  1. very cute, very sweet but are all fruits "apples"??
