Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Otherwise known as binoculars! Aubrey made this pair for herself at school with toilet paper rolls, feathers, glue and string. She loves walking around the house playing with them. She really loves when she looks into them with one end and I look into the other end. She giggles and giggles! It's so great when she comes home with art projects. It makes me happy to know that she is getting an opportunity to work on her creativity skills as well as developing fine motor skills and learning through tactile play. Now we need to find a cool way to display all of her projects!

Monday, May 30, 2011

The real post from today....

So here is the post that was supposed to go up tonight. I just posted the one from last night so today is a 2 for 1! Today we had some potential big plans (Sedona, a lake or maybe the zoo). None of them panned out due to traffic and a late start. We made the most of the day anyways! Jeremy, Brian, Trixie and Osito were heading out for a walk and I told Brian that Aubrey should go with them. He happily took her with them and they unhappily returned a short time later. Apparently she was standing near a cactus and Brian told her not to touch it. Of course she decided to do just the opposite - they came home and he said she was shaking and waving her hand the whole way home. Once she came in and we started to take the prickers out she started to howl. Poor kiddo. We tried so hard to get them out but I'm not sure we were successful in removing them all. She screamed for so long and it took her awhile to settle down. Those darn things are painful!

Once we got out what we could and Aubrey settled down we headed out for lunch. We went to get pizza which is currently her favorite. The added bonus was that this place had a fun kids area set up with tables, chairs, blocks and a small kitchen. She was in heaven!

After lunch we went bowling and Aubrey had some assistance from both Brian and Jeremy. This bowling alley didn't have the ramps for her to use so she got to push the ball down the alley. Her score was 84 which even included a strike!

After bowling we headed home for a nap, a snack and then a trip to the park. We capped off the evening with a trip to the store to get some things for dinner tonight. After wolfing down her strawberries, cheese and smoked pork she had a bath and then was off to bed. Hopefully she'll sleep through the night tonight....we shall see! :)


Grrr....I had this post ready to go last night and was waiting for the video to load. Almost 24 hours later and it still won't load - I give up! Here is the post with 2 cute pictures instead...look how far she has come in a year!

Aubrey has words and words galore! Many are her own but she usually has no problem repeating things when we ask. Last week she was standing in the kitchen and I looked at her and said, "Hi Baby!" She then looked up at me and said, "Hi Baby!" This girl is too funny! All week this has been our joke - I will say it and she repeats it. We're now working on "love you".

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Shoes

Katherine bought Aubrey some new sandals. Brian and I have tried to get her to try on cute little thong sandals in the store and she always freaks out. Katherine bought her these pink flip flops and when she showed them to Aubrey Miss A couldn't get them on her feet fast enough! All week she practiced walking around the house with them on. Once her feet get a little more practice in them (and a tab bigger) I think she'll be ready to wear them in public! Just had to post some pics because she's so darn cute in them...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Stroll Around the House...

Random but amusing post. Aubrey got this cute little baby carriage from Auntie Alice and Uncle Bob for Christmas. She puts everything under the sun in the carriage except for any babies. Once day I looked and she has Osito's leash, my sunglasses and some other rare finds in the carriage and she was walking them all over the house. I recently got this pic of her pushing Osito's harness, a ball and two egg halves. Look how serious she is pushing these little diddies around the house!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Peaches for you, Peaches for me!

Saturday we went peach picking with Katherine. Aubrey had a blast! Katherine sat in the back seat with her on the trip there and back and they had a blast laughing and giggling together. We sampled a lot of peach foods - peach butter, peach preserves, peach candy, dried peaches, etc. Aubrey liked the candy but wasn't a huge fan of anything else! We then all split a giant plate of peach pancakes and sausage. Aubrey wasn't such a fan of the pancakes or peaches but gobbled up the sausage. After breakfast we jumped on the hayride and took a ride out to the fields to go picking. Aubrey had a great time trying to pick the "apples". We kept telling her they were peaches but as far as she was concerned they were apples! She took one off the tree and decided to sample it - after 2 bites she was done! Apple and plum season is coming in a few weeks...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cream Cheese Facial

Yup you read the title correctly! However it was a mistake! Brian made Aubrey some toast with creamcheese this morning for a snack. She walked up behind him and he backed up and bumped into her. The toast went straight to her nose. We heard a shriek and we turned around and saw that she had a huge hunk of cream cheese just hanging from her nose. After a few photos Brian was kind enough to wipe it off!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Her body has been invaded again...

Sickness strikes again! Aubrey had a great day on Saturday. We went to downtown Chandler to check out some chihuahua races. They had a lot of booths set up for the community and Aubrey got a quick visual dental exam (everything looks good!). We then went to eat lunch and after that we went to Jeremy and Eunice's to swim. The pool was a bit chilly and Aubrey wasn't super excited about it at first but she adjusted. Later that night we had our bowling league. We got home around 10:15 and as I was carrying Aubrey inside she threw up. Poor kiddo!

Sunday morning she woke up around 6:30 and got into bed with us. She was just drifting off and she threw up again. The rest of the day was pretty calm but then it happened again before dinner and she ended up with diarrhea too.

Yesterday I woke up with the bug too so she and I had a sick day at home together. No throwing for her but lots and lots of diapers! We had a good day doing various arts and crafts projects.

Today I thought she was all better. She woke up at 3:00 am and it was party time. For the next 20ish minutes she smiled, rolled around and talked before finally going back to sleep. She did great this morning and headed to the doctor's with me for an 8 am appt. We pulled into the school parking lot at 8:50 and as I was opening to door to get her she got super sick. EVERYWHERE! All over herself and the car seat. Poor kiddo! I got her cleaned up and cleaned the seat as well as I could (thank goodness for wipes!). We headed over to see her doctor at 10:00 am. They were commenting on how active she was and how she didn't seem to be acting sick. I explained that she was a tough cookie and that it takes a lot to bring her down. The doctor said she wanted to make sure that it wasn't a UTI. That meant that they needed to give her a catheter. Poor, poor kid! It was awful to have to see but once it was over she was her usual happy self. The good news is that at first glance they doctor said they don't think there is a UTI. Their guess is that it's a virus that needs to run it's course. It's time for this thing to go!!!!