Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

She did it....18 months stats!

Yes she did it....she finally hit 20 lbs!!! HOORAY!!!!!

We had Aubrey's 18 month appointment today with Dr. Jones. The office was running behind so we had fun in the room waiting and waiting and waiting. I had brought some crayons so that she could color on the paper on the table. That was a good idea and kept her busy for a bit. She climbed up and down the stepladder, on to the table and back again, over and over again. We sang songs, played patty cake and looked in the mirror and made funny faces. There really is only so many things to do in a tiny room with no books and no toys and a half naked child!

Dr. Jones finally came to visit and Miss Aubrey decided that she was going to go wild. She started running all over the table (ugh.....I was terrified she was going to fall). Aubrey started saying "makah" which is Mommy's Milk and started to pull on my dress. She the opted to draw on the wall with the above mentioned crayons...ooops! Aubrey was displaying her Independence at full force!

The good news is that her ears are clear! She has finally hit the 20 lb mark (20 lbs exactly). She's in the 2nd percentile for weight but Dr. Jones says she is on her curve so she is not concerned. Aubrey is 32" tall which puts her in the 59th percentile (yay height). We have hit a milestone where we now don't need to go back to see Dr. Jones until Aubrey is 2. Gone are the every 3 month appointments. Our little girl isn't quite so little anymore...

Oh yes - and I need to brag a bit. Aubrey is one tough cookie. She had 1 shot today and didn't cry! Woo hoo tough girl! :)

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