Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 22, 2011

Egg coloring

Today Aubrey and I were home together. Her school was closed for Good Friday so that meant we had the whole day to play. We got up and had breakfast and then went out for a walk with Osito. Aubrey played at the playground for a bit and then we headed home. She was a bit fussy so she nursed and ended up falling asleep around 11:30. I took her to bed and we napped for about 45 minutes until Osito came running into the room all excited because Brian was home from work.

We had lunch and then it was time to color eggs. This was the first Easter that Aubrey has gotten to color eggs so now the tradition has been born! She got to put the color tablets into the water and she loved that! Once everything had dissolved she was able to help Brian dip the eggs. That was a fun experience for her and not one cracked! After they dried she got to decorate them with stickers. Aubrey really loved the baseball and football stickers - do we have a budding sports enthusiast on our hands?

1 comment:

  1. Yay Aubrey! I bet they turned out very pretty!

    I had a friend post a cool trick to facebook - it looks like she used a really big whisk to drop the egg in and get it out and then the kids don't get their hands covered in dye. i'm going to try that next year!
