Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Today we headed down to Aubrey's school for an Easter Egg Hunt. We met up with her friend Natalie and her parents and we went into the Student Worship Center. We got to sing two songs and hear some of the older kiddos talk about Easter and Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Aubrey was great during the whole thing. She sat on my lap looking all around and taking it all in. Natalie and Connor (another kiddo from her class) were antsy and impatient but Miss Aubrey was happy as a clam!

We then got to head down to the courtyard to hunt those eggs. Aubrey and Natalie stayed together and found quite a few eggs in one area of the courtyard. After they had found them all Sara (Natalie's mom) rehid them and the girls had a blast all over again! Once they were done we got to turn them all in upstairs for prizes. Aubrey chose a green cross necklace (she loves jewelry)! She also got a little goody bag and juice box. She and Natalie then played around upstairs in the worship center for a bit before we headed for home.


  1. That dress is super beautiful! She's just so pretty!!

  2. Awww....thanks! Brian picked it out - and she is just the spitting image of him!
