Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Friday night Aubrey and I were at the table eating and she started frowning. She had her head turned down and she lifted her eyes at me with this mean little frown. I smiled at her and she picked her head up and smiled and then frowned again. We had the smile/frown game going on for a few minutes. The camera wasn't nearby so I missed the photo opp.

Saturday she was playing with the laundry and had a small frown going on. I quickly grabbed the camera and got a mini frown. You can also see that she was having a great time playing with Brian's softball sock. She loves to find socks and put them on her hands. She'll then turn them over to us so that we can put them on our hands. I guess it's the little things in life that sometimes keep her amused...

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