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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Toddler Room - We Came, We Went and We Tried Again

Monday was Aubrey's first day in the Toddler Room. Right before Christmas we got the news that she'd be moving but she was going to get some visits in before making the official move. She got to go down on December 23 and apparently loved it down there. She spent two hours playing there and when Miss Marissa came to pick her up Aubrey dramatically covered her face with her arm and then cried because she had to leave.

The plan was that she'd get to visit the week after Christmas. I was hoping to take her in on Monday and hang out myself for a little while to get a feel for what goes on and get to know the teachers. However, Aubrey woke up sick on Christmas day and had a fever up until Friday so she and I spent time at home together.
Monday I dropped her off in the room and felt as though we were prepared. I was wrong! We walked into the classroom and I said, "Hi we're new. Where does her stuff go?" One of the teachers looked at me and said, "What's your name?" I looked at her and said, "This is Aubrey". I had a whole lot more than that going through my mind but I decided to be nice. After my response we got nothing so I walked over to the head teacher and asked where to put her stuff. She pointed at a cubby so I put Aubrey's coat there but still had her lunch in her lunch bag in my hand. I had been told by other parents that the kiddos needed a lunch bag in the Toddler Room so I thought we were doing well and looked all prepared. I asked where the lunch went and she pointed to a large bucket. Hmmm.....I took out the milk and asked where the fridge was and she said they don't have a fridge for the lunches. Apparently we are supposed to put an ice pack in their bag. Ok, noted!
I then asked if she had a copy of the class schedule. She promptly pointed to the wall and told me that I could take a look at it. Hmmm....they don't have a copy for parents? At this point Aubrey is upset and clingy to me for dear life. I am now upset and really frustrated by the lack of information that had been provided to us. The head teacher, Mrs. Amy, came and took Aubrey from me and that was it. Aubrey screamed and screamed. I asked Mrs. Amy if it was ok for me to call and check in on Aubrey and I felt as though I got the "look". I said to her, "Sorry I am that parent. I am going to call to check in." And then I was dismissed. It was similar to the awful feeling I had leaving her on her first day a year ago.
She was dropped off a few minutes after 8 am and I called to check in around 9:50. The report was that she had been crying off and on (which they say is normal) and she had refused her breakfast (which is normal for her). She won't eat when she is upset! I then called again around 3 pm to find that she was moved back to her old classroom. Apparently she has screamed all morning so they felt it best to being her back to a safe and familiar space. The report that I was given was that she literally screamed - not one tear - just lots of yelling. Yes that's what Aubrey does at home too!
The rest of the week went much better. Each day she screamed when I dropped her off but screamed less and less each day. She was starting to get used to the new room and the new teachers. She enjoys sitting quietly and watching all of the kids play. She also is super into sitting at the table and looking at books. One of the little girls Lily had been following her around trying to hug her and Aubrey didn't like that very much. Another one of the little girls came over and handed her a stuffed animal when she was screaming and she just looked at it like, "Really? You think that's going to make me feel better?" I am hoping that this week is an easy one for her. I'll keep you posted!

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