Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 15, 2011

15 month stats

This post is overdue but better late than never! We had Miss Aubrey's 15 month appointment on December 30. She now gets to sit up on the scale rather than lay down on it. She's not such a big fan of the scale but we were able to get her to sit still long enough to get a weight. She's currently at 18 pounds 9 ounces which puts her in the 2nd percentile for weight. The young lady is not a big eater. We keep trying to offer her new foods to try and pique her interest. Plus, I will say that she was just getting over being sick and hadn't been eating much so I am sure her weight was effected by that.

She's grown a whole inch since her 12 month appointment. She stands tall at 30 inches which is a long way off from the 19.5 that she was born at. This puts her in the 36th percentile for height. The 12 month pants are getting to be just a tab bit short and the 18 month ones are a bit long. We are in the weird somewhere in between stage but it won't be long before she's well past the 18 month stage. She is growing so fast!

On another note while we were at the doctor's we had another peak at her ears. She had fluid in both ears. She hadn't been showing any signs of her ears bothering her but Dr. Jones thought that we should try 10 days worth of penicillin. We have now finished it....thank goodness. She hated it and it was a fight to get her to take it. We have an appointment on Monday to make sure the fluid is all gone. Wish us luck!

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