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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sleep....An unknown in our house

Sleep has never been one of Aubrey's favorite pastimes. As a newborn she typically wasn't a napper but she'd sleep through the night. She would catch little cat naps but would sleep 8pm - 5am. In January we moved to the house in Gilbert and sleeping through the night thing came to an abrupt halt. It's now a year later and she still has issues at night.
Some nights are better than others. She goes down at 8:00 and sometimes is up at 9:30 and then other times not until 4:30. She gets into bed with us once she is up. In December we stopped nursing when she woke up and that was an easy transition. We had one rough night but then she was easy to settle down with just a little pat on her back. Since she started in the Toddler room 3 weeks ago the sleep issue has become an ISSUE! She wakes up yelling and won't settle down on her own. She is super restless and moves all over the place. We wake up and she is down near our knees. Brian has jokingly referred to her as Shamu because she is up and down and up and down and up and down all over the place.
Believe it or not when she got into bed with us she was in the middle and her head was up near ours. As the night went on she wiggled her way down and then when I got out of the shower I found her like this! Silly girl!

1 comment:

  1. I love those photos - but sad you guys aren't getting sleep.
