Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

Books, books and more books

During the long Martin Luther King weekend a few weeks ago Aubrey and I reorganized her playroom. I took the book case from her room and put it in the playroom so that she would have easy access to her books. It was like opening up a whole new world for her!

She is very into reading her books. She'll pick one, open it up and really study the pictures. She'll sit there for a few minutes quietly leafing through a book. If we ask her to bring a book over she walk over with one, turn around and then sit down in front of us. She hasn't quite mastered the whole lap thing yet but she'll get there! She loves to have us read to her. Her current favorite is Touch and Feel Baby Animals. She waits until we read the line that says, "Feel the baby (insert animal)" and then she will gently pat the chick, dog, cat and scratch the turtle and porcupine. It is so much fun to watch her discover the world of books!

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