Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 27, 2010

When Green Beans Attack....

Tonight Aubrey was having some chicken and green beans for dinner. I got a few bites of green beans into her before she decided that she wanted to feed herself. I gave her the spoon with some food on it and she guided it right into her mouth. We tried again and this time she got her face as well as her mouth. I walked into the living room to grab the camera. Apparently in the .2 seconds that I was gone she stretched and stretched until she could reach the green bean container. Yup you guessed it - they got everywhere! She dumped the container on to the table and then proceeded to finger paint with it and then clap her hands and wave them all around. Holy green bean mess!

1 comment:

  1. OMG THAT IS JUST TOO FUNNY!!! FROM NOW ON, YOU"RE GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE SURE THE CAMERA IS WITH YOU AND AUBREY AT ALL TIMES---YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN SOMETHING AS PRICELESS AS THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! Someday in the future, she's going to get a kick out of seeing all these wonderful pictures and reading your great stories---what a lucky little girl!!!
