Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 17, 2010

Aubrey and her melons!

Watermelon and cantaloupe that is! We went to Sprouts on Wednesday and bought a ton of fresh fruit and veggies. The watermelon and cantaloupe were bought for Aubrey to try. Unfortunately I am lazy and haven't gotten around to cutting them up yet. However, as you can see Aubrey doesn't mind at all. She plays the drums on the watermelon and was picking the cantaloupe up and rolling it like a ball. The cantalope is just about half her size so that is no small feat!


  1. Such a sweetie!!! Aubrey must be imitating her Dad when she plays drums on the watermelon and,as far as the huge cantelope,is she trying to bowl like her Mom and Dad??? Just love the way she crosses her ankles and when she's not, her toes are curled. So adorable!!!
