Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dinner Time

Yesterday Aubrey chowed some rice, corn, green bean carrot, tomato sauce and spice mixture that we had for dinner. I am not sure how she got the piece of rice on her eyebrow but it made me laugh. Once she had finished eating from the spoon that I was offering her I turned it loose to her. She did great when I set it up so that it was pointing towards her mouth. We have some work to do though when it gets to the point where she needs to point it towards her own mouth.
On the walking front...still no video. We are not quick enough! She will decide to take a few steps here and there but most of the time just falls to her knees and cries. She is still pretty terrified. We'll keep working on getting a video for you all to see.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!! What a mess, though, to have to clean up after. However it does sound like a very healthy meal. The spoon looks to be almost as big as her face!!!
