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Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Steps

That's right...Miss Aubrey ventured out on her own two little feet today. For the past few weeks we have been trying to get Aubrey to stand unassisted but she is terrified of that. Brian had her standing for about 15 seconds one day and she was frozen in fear! She started crying hysterically and she hasn't quite fully trusted him since when it comes to the walking thing.

This past week I would see her standing against the coffee table or a chair and then let go for a few seconds. She would only do this when she thought no one was looking! Little sneak!

Today we were in the laundry room and I was emptying out the dryer. Aubrey had her hands on the dryer door and was banging on it. I moved her hands to close the door and she just stood there. I put my arms out and she took 2 steps towards me! Holy cow!

We got her to take another 2 steps 2 or 3 more times during the day. Of course there are no pictures or videos though. Brian has been at work all day and tonight as well so there was no way that I'd get her to walk over if I had a camera in my hand. Hopefully we'll get a video soon. In the meantime enjoy this one...

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