Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tricks in the Pool

Well not really a trick unique to the pool but it is a new trick and she is doing it in the pool. Yesterday marked the third week of swim lessons. Aubrey did better this week! Rather than the usual screaming it was a light fuss - as you can hear in the video. She was getting a bit antsy towards the end of the lesson so we went to the stairs to play - the water was warmer and it was away from the group so she could fuss and we didn't feel bad about potentially setting some of the other little kiddos off. You can see that Aubrey was practicing her clapping. This was a new skill that she showed off this week for me when I went to feed her for lunch.

I don't know how to turn the video around so I am sorry that you'll have to view it with a turned neck. Next time I will be sure the hold the camera the other way so that the video can be viewed without needing to do crazy contortionist moves. Sorry about that... :)


  1. clap clap clap - your doing great!!!

  2. Contortionist or not : it's PRICELESS !!!
