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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Monkey Bites

Aubrey tried Monkey Bites for the first time this weekend. Monkey bites are a cute name for banana flavored meltable cereal puffs - Target name not some weird name I concocted! There are a few different flavors out there but the only ones that don't have soy are banana flavored so that is what we are sticking with. She liked them - as did Osito once he saw her eating them.

She had trouble picking them up. We worked on the pincer grip today and she is so much faster now than she was yesterday in the video. She still struggles to get it to move from her hand and/or fingers to her mouth. We had a good time watching her try.

As I was uploading this video tonight Aubrey was on the floor playing. She practicing crawling and was rolling all over from her belly to back and back to belly. Next time I looked up she was in a sitting position! She learned how to sit up on her own! Crawling will be coming soon...


  1. Okay, I was wrong abou the crawling by the end of the week -- maybe it will happen by the end of this week! -- But she's doing a good job feeding her face!!! What a cute video. Evan down to the part where Osito snagged the Monkey Bite!!!!!
