Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

9 months

Miss Aubrey hit the official 9 month mark yesterday! I did the math and realized that she has now been with us for 38 weeks (not every month has 4 weeks which is why it adds up to 38 weeks and not 36). She has now surpassed the time she spent in uetro. We know the date she was conceived (12/31/08) but the doctor counted from 12/14/08. The doctor predicted the due date to be 9/22/09 and decided to induce on 9/27/09 when Aubrey still hadn't made her appearance. If you count the weeks between conception and birth it all adds up to 37 weeks and 5 days. So Miss A has now been around for awhile and we are loving every moment (yes even the 4 am wake up calls!).

Here are a list of Aubrey's accomplishments during her 38 weeks:
  • went from 6 lbs 5 oz to 16 lbs 11 oz

  • grew from 19.5" to 26.5"

  • rolls over both ways

  • pulls self to a sitting position
  • crawls (slowly but she is doing it!)

  • can stand holding on to something for long periods of time

  • can clap her hands

  • can wave

  • says Dada and Mama to everything

  • lights up when her Dada comes into the room

  • loves to play with her drum, her hands and Osito's bone
  • eats solids - she now enjoys bananas, peaches, apples, peas, sweet potato, squash and carrots. She likes the homemade better than the jarred food

  • Has mastered the pincer grip

  • Loves to talk to herself in the mirror

  • Has a favorite teacher at school

  • Takes her bottles at school (this was hard work!)

  • Tries to put everything that she touches in her mouth (this includes Osito!)
  • loves to dance to Pink Floyd

  • is super observant and doesn't miss a thing

Here are some pics of her at 38 weeks and then in uetro at 37 weeks and 4 days (pictures were taken at dinner right before we went to the hospital).

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