Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 7, 2010

She's upright!!!

Aubrey has mastered sitting on her own! She is a little tipsy but is stable for the most part. Every time I tried to get a good picture she's start to fall so the above pic is the best one that I got. Look how chunky her arms are!
Last night Isaac came to visit and he and Aubrey were all about playing with each other. Isaac came crawling over to her and reaching out to touch her face. At one point Aubrey reached out to him and it looked like she was ready to give him a hug and a kiss....this girl is starting early!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, she's cute! He would have loved it. She is so big and is totally a great sitter - she will be mobile in no time!
