Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I found my feet....

Last week I mentioned that we lost all of the pictures on the memory card....bummer! There were quite a few pictures of Miss Aubrey sampling her toes - yes I believe she felt they were quite yummy! I will try and get some more to post because they are just too funny.

Today we were at Home Depot and one of the associates came up to us and started talking to Aubrey. He asked if she was 3 months old...she is tiny but not that tiny!

Here are a few cute pics from this past weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Look at her sitting up! That is so awesome! And you know what I do with people who make stupid comments. I tell them no, ISaac is whatever age and then I brag on EVERYTHING he can do. I figure if they open the door I'm going to talk!
