Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, January 8, 2010

Week one is done!

Aubrey officially completed her first week. She did great other than a blowout today. I went to pick her up and she was wearing different clothes than she was this morning so I knew that was no good! One of the teachers said that Aubrey is one of her favorites...so that was good to hear :)
Hopefully she's still ranking high after her diaper explosion today!
Here are a couple of cute pics. I realized that I never did put up the one of her lying next to her bear a tthe 3 month mark so here it is! Enjoy!


  1. I'm so excited that her teachers love her (like it was in doubt). Woo hoo for a blowout, I like to think that means she's getting plenty to eat. I always laugh when I go to daycare and he's wearing something different. Thursday I went and he was wearing a shirt I had never seen. He peed on his original outfit, and then peed on the backup shirt. And I'm told he laughed everytime he did it.

  2. she's getting so big! and she's just absolutely adorable... cannot wait to meet her! hopefully it will be sometime soon! :)
