Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 4 of school

Miss A has almost survived her first week of school. She seems to be adjusting to it but I think she misses sleeping in...I know I do! She usually conks out on the ride to school and then gets all tired and cranky when we get there and I try and feed her. I have been going at lunch to feed her and she usually falls asleep right away. She wakes up once I move her so it is always a short lived nap! Speaking of naps she napped for almost 2 whole hours today at school....longest nap ever! Woo-hoo!

Some random pics that are too cute and a little video of Aubrey putting herself down for a nap!

Ok clearly I am tired because I uploaded the wrong video so you get two! This other one is her playing with the ball that Brian got her for Christmas...and she even gives you a little surprise at the end!

1 comment:

  1. PLAYDATE PLAYDATE! I need to see this cutie! These pictures are great, she tracks the ball so well, and her sleep video is cute! Woo Hoo for a 2 hour daycare nap! Maybe she will stay awake a bit longer for you at night then so you can play with her!!
