Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 18, 2010

moving fun!

So we have moved. Brian has been wanting to move for a long time now and I finally agreed to start looking at houses. We found alot that looked great online and then when we went to see them in person they were trashed. We found two houses that we really liked both on the same street - which also happens to be on the same street as our friends Becky, Dave and Isaac and right down the street from our bowling partners Don and Laurie. We have family that live about 2 miles away from these houses as well. We decided on one of the houses which had fresh paint and brand new carpet and looked brand new so we put down an offer. It was accepted and we closed on the 6th and moved this weekend.

The move is still not done...we have way too much stuff and have not been good housekeepers since Miss A joined us in September. We'll get it all done soon hopefully! We did have some fun during the move and thought we'd share some pics...


  1. She looks ravishing as a brunette. Sorry we couldn't welcome you to the neighboorhood. The pinkeye is almost past contagin, however this stinking cold is producing fever so Dave is home tomorrow! Still feel free to ring the door (three times so I don't think your my special friend) and come borrow if you need anything!

  2. How fun!! Send us your new address when you get a chance!
