Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Aubrey loves music. She and Brian bond when he plays the guitar. Here is a video...she really is interested in the music but she is a tad distracted by her new toy from Nana.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Chubba Hubba

Yesterday went back to the breastfeeding support group. With a diaper and clothes on she weighed 12 lbs and 8.6 oz....no wonder my back is screaming! There was a big discussion about poop and we found out that maybe hers are green and so super sour because over an overactive let down of milk. Kind of like an overactive bladder but for the boobs! Someday soon maybe there will be no more food issues. Check out the chubby little legs...

We woke up the other morning and Aubrey was sporting a milk goatee. I tried to get some pics but the milk doesn't show up super well. If you look hard enough you can see a little bit on her face.

Monday, January 18, 2010

moving fun!

So we have moved. Brian has been wanting to move for a long time now and I finally agreed to start looking at houses. We found alot that looked great online and then when we went to see them in person they were trashed. We found two houses that we really liked both on the same street - which also happens to be on the same street as our friends Becky, Dave and Isaac and right down the street from our bowling partners Don and Laurie. We have family that live about 2 miles away from these houses as well. We decided on one of the houses which had fresh paint and brand new carpet and looked brand new so we put down an offer. It was accepted and we closed on the 6th and moved this weekend.

The move is still not done...we have way too much stuff and have not been good housekeepers since Miss A joined us in September. We'll get it all done soon hopefully! We did have some fun during the move and thought we'd share some pics...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3 blowouts in a row!

Ok - we are now onto the beginning of week 2 of daycare. Last Friday, yesterday and today Missa Aubrey has returned home with a different outfit than she started with. She is having some difficulty keeping things where they belong. Hopefully tomorrow will be a cleaner day! Here is a pic of her right before bathtime...look at the little tubby belly! :)

I am uploading a video of her reacting to a song that she loves. The singing is pretty awful so please focus on her little facial expressions and squeals and try not to go deaf! Check out the eyebrows...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Week one is done!

Aubrey officially completed her first week. She did great other than a blowout today. I went to pick her up and she was wearing different clothes than she was this morning so I knew that was no good! One of the teachers said that Aubrey is one of her favorites...so that was good to hear :)
Hopefully she's still ranking high after her diaper explosion today!
Here are a couple of cute pics. I realized that I never did put up the one of her lying next to her bear a tthe 3 month mark so here it is! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 4 of school

Miss A has almost survived her first week of school. She seems to be adjusting to it but I think she misses sleeping in...I know I do! She usually conks out on the ride to school and then gets all tired and cranky when we get there and I try and feed her. I have been going at lunch to feed her and she usually falls asleep right away. She wakes up once I move her so it is always a short lived nap! Speaking of naps she napped for almost 2 whole hours today at school....longest nap ever! Woo-hoo!

Some random pics that are too cute and a little video of Aubrey putting herself down for a nap!

Ok clearly I am tired because I uploaded the wrong video so you get two! This other one is her playing with the ball that Brian got her for Christmas...and she even gives you a little surprise at the end!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Today was Miss Aubrey's first day of school! The three of us got up earlier than normal today to make it to school on time - 5:00 for me, 6:00 for Brian and 6:35 for Aubrey. We got Aubrey signed in at the front office and then took her to the classroom. There were 2 teachers in the room and a handful of kiddos - some happy and some very, very not happy. One of the teachers gave us the run down of where to put what and then Brian headed to work while I fed Aubrey. As she was enjoying a very yummy breakfast more kiddos came in and it got pretty crazy in the room. Lots and lots of screaming kids that needed some cuddle action, breakfast, etc. I hung out with her for 40 minutes and then headed off to work. I called to check in once during the morning and was told she was napping (holy moses!). I then went to feed her and she promptly fell asleep within two minutes. I hung out there for awhile trying to get some more food into her belly and then went back to work. Later in the afternoon I called again to hear that she was not taking the bottle. Stubborn little girl finally decided to take it about an hour later from one specific teacher, Miss Sheri. She gave the teachers some trouble with the morning bottle but finally took it from Miss Sheri - apparently she already has a favorite.
Hopefully tomorrow goes smoother for both her and for me (Brian was ok today dropping her off - it was just me that got all teary-eyed). I am off to go get her things ready for tomorrow!