Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sorry...I have been bad about updating Aubrey's blog lately. We've been busy! Here are our fun times in a nutshell:

1. Last Thursday we went to check out a breastfeeding support group. We got up late so basically ran out of the house to make it there on time. We get there, run up to the 3rd floor to find out that not only is the class in a different building within the hospital but it doesn't start until 1:00 which meant we had two hours to kill. We met up with Brian for lunch at Joe's BBQ (sooo good)! We then went to check out the group and we were super out of place. The women were all clicky and had no problem whippin' them out to feed their kiddos. Next week they are having a holiday party and the hubby's are invited...the women said they didn't mind feeding in front of the men. However, if the men were uncomfortable they would cover up - um....all just a little too open for me! But yes we are going to go back...Aubrey gets weighed before she eats and then again afterwards so we can determine how many ounces she has eaten. This will then determine how many ounces for each bottle at school. We haven't had alot of luck with the bottle situation - one day she takes it and then the next few days she wants nothing to do with it:( - we are going to try again tomorrow!

2. Friday Aubrey and I went shopping for a Christmas outfit. We couldn't find the one little outfit that I wanted in her size so we settled on something else at Babies R Us. We then went to JC Penney and found some other things. We got home and found out that the JC Penney dress didn't fit :(

3. Saturday Brian went to play a poker tourney and figured he'd be gone most of the day. Didn't work out that way so he surprised us by coming back early. We went to do some exchanges and returns from the previous day's purchases. Late that night we went to bowling. Aubrey was very good and got passed around between our bowling partners Don and Laurie as well as Brian and myself.

4. Today we had church, did some Christmas shopping, met Katherine for lunch and had the Christmas musical at church this evening. The most exciting part of the day was....pictures! We went and had her pics done...of course she was not giving up any smiles for the photographer. We did get a few cute ones though and we can pick them up on Friday!

5. We have been trying out a baby carrier from Becky, David and Isaac before purchasing one of our own because we want to make sure we get one that she will like. Tonight we went for a walk with Osito and Aubrey was not a happy camper. We had her facing forward in the carrier and she screamed and screamed. We turned her around to face out and she liked that. Here are a few pics for her trying out the carrier...look how little she looks!


  1. Way to tell everyone I suck at poker! She looks pissed in that first picture.

  2. Woo Hoo Baby Wearing Dads!!! You guys have had a busy week!
