Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 19, 2009

poor baby

It's been another busy week and I have been bad with the blog...sorry! We ran around most of the week but the good news is that the Christmas gifts all got mailed out today so they will make it in time! Christmas cards will have to go out on Monday.

Aubrey had an amazing week. She was just a happy little kiddo which is so much fun! Whenever we went to the store she was on her best behavior and so many people commented on her big eyes. We went to school two days this week and hung out there for an hour each day. The teachers all seem nice and one of them held her for a bit yesterday. Aubrey was just looking around and taking it all in. I think she'll like all of the action that goes on there.

Yesterday we went to the doctor's office because her diaper looked a bit weird ( I will spare you the details). Turns out she has an allergy to milk protein which is fairly common in babies and usually they outgrow it. Her body has alot of trouble breaking down the milk proteins that come to her from my diet. This means that we can switch to a special formula or I can change my diet to cut out all milk and products containing milk. The doc gave me a list of things to avoid such as butter, yogurt, milk, soy, etc. I started that diet today and it is tough - so many things contain some type of soy or soybean oil...looks like we'll be doing an overhaul of our pantry! Hopefully we can get this straightened out so that her little tummy starts to feel better. I will keep you posted on her progress.

A few weeks ago Aubrey started to find her hands and as you can see from the above pic she has now discovered her fingers as well. She usually has 2 or 3 fingers in her mouth at a time. I think she'll end up as a thumb or finger sucker very soon.

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