Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm a Big Kid Now...

Aubrey will be heading to daycare soon (I am calling it school though because that makes me feel better about it). This past weekend we decided that we would try out the bottle to see how it works for her. Our friends Becky, David and Isaac were kind enough to share some of Isaac's bottles with us since babies are known to be picky about which ones they'll take.
We only tried one and she did ok with it! There were 3 oz in it and 2 oz of it disappeared - she drank some and then decided to wear some! We are going to try again tonight with a different one to see if she can keep more of the milk inside.
We are starting to stock pile some milk now in the freezer for school. If we can ever kick this thrush we'll have to dump it all but it's good to have the stock pile just in case.


  1. Oh how great! I mean, I know it sucks to prepare, but that she took is bottle is good! Dad looks like he's a good bottle giver too! Yeah, latching on the bottle is like learning to latch onto mom as well, can take a bit, but you are right, trying the different nipples will be great! I LOVE how she's holding her bottle in the first one!

  2. That's fantastic... Robbie definitely didn't take his first bottle that well! It took about 3-4 attempts and two different bottles/nipples to get him to actually latch onto it, but you'd never know the difference now. She looks like she's doing great!
