Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas celebration

Yesterday we had a great Christmas. We were sad about not being able to make it back East to see family but it felt like the right decision to stay put here to avoid any health issues. We had an amazing day at Auntie Alice and Uncle Bob's house and really felt like lucky to be surrounded by such great family.

Brian and I opened our gifts on Christmas eve after church once Miss A went to bed. We wanted to wait until Christmas day for her gifts once she was awake and a happy kid (we got in late on Christmas eve). Well the morning got away from us because one of us got to sleep in (not naming any names!) and then we were scrambling to get ready and make it in time for dinner. It seems as though I need to build in almost an extra hour some days to make it out the door - in between feedings, diapers and dog duty. We thought that we would get the chance to open Aubrey's gifts with her once we got home but we didn't get home until super late. That being said it is now Saturday evening at 9:46 pm and most of her gifts still remain unopened! We are slackers! Today we did open the ones that we got for her because I wanted her to play with this really cool ball that Brian had bought for her. Tomorrow we are heading to church in the morning, then to a friend's house for lunch and then to Grandpa Tom's house for a visit so I vow to get home at a decent hour to have her open her gifts.

Although we haven't done the gifts yet from family here are a few cute pics for your viewing pleasure...

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