Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 30, 2011


One Friday we woke up to an overcast sky! That doesn't happen very often in Arizona, especially during the summer. Aubrey and I decided to take full advantage of it so we headed to the zoo. We had bought a member ship back in July but it had been way too hot to go so this was out first time using it.

You can see she had a great time patting the goats! She even got to brush them (too bad that the first one she approached had his back to her so she brushed his butt)! I quickly got her turned around so she could brush his side and he was a good sport about the butt thing!

We also saw the horses, cows, monkeys, birds, chickens and a turkey. She was terrified of the turkey and kept saying, "No turkey, no turkey". He was in a cage and so I kept telling her that he couldn't come get her. About a week or two later she started calling out, "No turkey, no turkey" in her sleep.....I guess she was thinking about the zoo!

I am excited to be able to use our membership now that it is starting to get a bit cooler. Aubrey seems to enjoy it and I know that Brian loves the zoo. I have a feeling we'll be making many trips there once the baby comes.

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