Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 30, 2011

Splash Pad

Up until recently Aubrey has been pretty frightened the the splash pads (water fountains that shoot up from the ground). During our trip to the zoo she had seen a few kids playing in the splash pad so we ventured over so she could play. She seemed to like it so I figured we'd try the one near home one day.

We got all ready - swim diaper, sunblock, water shoes, bathing suit and hat. She was super excited to go. When we got there we realized we were the only ones there. No other little ones to play with which meant Aubrey was kinda bummed out. She spent a few minutes running away from the water every time it shot up but she never really got all that wet. We had some good cuddle time as you can see by the funny faces she was making for the camera! I'd like to try the splash pad again and hopefully next time there will be some other kiddos there for her to play with.

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