Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 30, 2011

Make up

So this little one truly is a sponge. It's not very often that she watches me put on eye shadow. I guess she has seen the routine enough times that she knows what to do with it!

Splash Pad

Up until recently Aubrey has been pretty frightened the the splash pads (water fountains that shoot up from the ground). During our trip to the zoo she had seen a few kids playing in the splash pad so we ventured over so she could play. She seemed to like it so I figured we'd try the one near home one day.

We got all ready - swim diaper, sunblock, water shoes, bathing suit and hat. She was super excited to go. When we got there we realized we were the only ones there. No other little ones to play with which meant Aubrey was kinda bummed out. She spent a few minutes running away from the water every time it shot up but she never really got all that wet. We had some good cuddle time as you can see by the funny faces she was making for the camera! I'd like to try the splash pad again and hopefully next time there will be some other kiddos there for her to play with.


One Friday we woke up to an overcast sky! That doesn't happen very often in Arizona, especially during the summer. Aubrey and I decided to take full advantage of it so we headed to the zoo. We had bought a member ship back in July but it had been way too hot to go so this was out first time using it.

You can see she had a great time patting the goats! She even got to brush them (too bad that the first one she approached had his back to her so she brushed his butt)! I quickly got her turned around so she could brush his side and he was a good sport about the butt thing!

We also saw the horses, cows, monkeys, birds, chickens and a turkey. She was terrified of the turkey and kept saying, "No turkey, no turkey". He was in a cage and so I kept telling her that he couldn't come get her. About a week or two later she started calling out, "No turkey, no turkey" in her sleep.....I guess she was thinking about the zoo!

I am excited to be able to use our membership now that it is starting to get a bit cooler. Aubrey seems to enjoy it and I know that Brian loves the zoo. I have a feeling we'll be making many trips there once the baby comes.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cookie Monster

Aubrey has discovered the yummy goodness of "fake" mint oreo cookies. She likes to pull them apart and eat the side with the cream. She's nice enough to share the other side with me!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Welcome Back Blog!

Ugh....I have been so bad with this lately. For the past 6 weeks my schedule at work has been different which has been a challenge in some ways. I've been working Saturday-Tuesday and have been off with Aubrey on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It's been fantastic having 3 days off with her - we've had many adventures. The downside is that I have been exhausted every night of the week and seem to go to bed with her at 9. Yes, she thinks it's party time at 8 which used to be bed time. By 9 she is tuckered out so we go to the bedroom to lay down and I never seem to get back up until sometime between midnight and 3 am. I get up long enough to brush my teeth and then head back to bed. So as you can see it all makes blogging a bit hard.

My schedule starts back to normal on Monday which gives me a few days left in the month to get my September blogs up! Yay for blogging....boo for normal schedule. Boo for less adventures with Miss Aubrey!

The library system offers free Cultural Passes for check out at the desk. They are typically super hard to get because they are a hot commodity but the ASU library has them and they are usually in stock there.A few weeks ago Aubrey and I went to the Children's Museum with one of these passes. She had a great time exploring the place! It was 3 floors of pure fun for her!

We climbed in the tree house but she was a bit scared so we didn't get too far. We then had lunch and went to explore the trike area, the fort area and the arts & crafts area. You can see her playing on the sand table with the light underneath the sand. You can also see her concentrating very hard on making her name monster. She loves to do crafts! After she worked on the craft for a few minutes she went to explore the puppet area and she loved the dog puppet. After we finished up on the 2nd floor we ventured to the 3rd floor where she got to play in the 3 and Under Area. She had a blast climbing, playing and exploring all of the fun things in this room and it gave me a chance to sit and just watch her play which was super nice! After I was able to coax her out of that area we went to the kitchen area where she mixed up something yummy (not sure what it was - she didn't tell me)! She headed to the grocery store and grabbed a cart but then decided she wasn't in the mood so we went to the car area. She jumped in the pickle car and then we went and raced cars down the ceiling to floor ramp. We spent a few hours playing and exploring and by the time we left she was tired and passed out in the car within just a few minutes!