Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Aubrey's tooth has a neighbor. The lower right is here and has joined the left one. I found it on Monday when we were in the grocery store. Last Friday night she had a rough night. She woke up at 11 pm and didn't go back to sleep until 12:30 ish. She was screaming hysterically and was not consolable. I would get her to sleep and she would wake up screaming right away. She had some Tylenol and finally was able to get back to sleep. The tooth explains the restlessness and unhappy crying. How many more teeth need to come in??!!?
You can click on each picture for a larger view of her pearly whites!

1 comment:

  1. Devon- Have you tried Hyland's Teething Tablets? They are a homeopathic remedy that helped Katie a whole bunch. You can get them at Walmart, Target, CVS, etc. They really helped to ease Katie's discomfort and her crankiness. She's even asking for them now when her 2 yr molars are in the works!
