Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

We had a busy 4th of July weekend. Aubrey was a social butterfly this weekend! Saturday was the last swimming lesson. She did great and only fussed for a moment when we first got into the pool. She has done fine in Isaac, Becky and Dave's pool which is much warmer so it seems as though she does not like cold pools.

Later that day we went to Don and Laurie's house for an early 4th party. We got there and Aubrey was the center of attention. We put her down on their tile floor to show off her crawling skills...of course she decided not to play! She did really well though (no stranger anxiety). She ended up getting in the pool and we stayed in there for quite awhile. The pool was nice and warm so she was happy as a clam!

Sunday Aubrey was up around 7: 30 am. She napped for just about 20 minutes on the way home from church around 11:30 am. I figured this would mean a rough afternoon but she did just fine. We went to Ellie's birthday party and Aubrey was super happy playing with all of the different toys that they have. She ended up getting her hair pulled which sent her into tears - they were very off tears. She was so tired that she let out a startled wail and then stopped, then wailed again, then stopped then started again. Poor kiddo. She ended up finally taking a 30 ish minute snooze while nursing around 5 pm.

After waking up we headed out to Jenny's pool party. Aubrey got to meet Lucky, Jenny's new puppy. He was excited to see everyone and Aubrey was super excited to see him. She kept trying to pat him - which really meant she was waving her hands around excitedly. She was trying so hard to make friends with Lucky.

We then left Jenny's to go to Ron's for one final party. At this point it was after 8 pm which is bedtime. She was fussy when we got into the car but crashed after a few minutes. Once we got to Ron's she woke up so I decided to do the "ride around the block" trick - this was the first time I promise! She fell back to sleep so we were able to bring her out in her car seat. She stayed asleep until people started to get a bit loud. Once she woke up we figured she'd be howling but she was really good! She was just looking around at everyone but we figured that we better head home. We got home and put this little party girl to bed!

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