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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Sounds weird, huh? Well it found Aubrey! A weird rash cropped up in her groin area and we were keeping an eye out. I thought it might be because of some antibiotics that I am on so I called her dr. and explained the situation. I was told to get some cream and treat it like a yeast infection (very common in babies). Aubrey and I went to the store and bought some Lotrimin AF cream as well as some probiotics to kick this thing.

Tuesday night she felt warm so we took her temp and she was coming in at 99 and change. I thought it might be another tooth so I gave her some Tylenol and she went to bed. Wednesday she was 99 and change again so I she got another dose of Tylenol and we headed to school. I took her temp in the car when we got there and she was now 100.6. No school for this little one! She came to work with me and I called the dr. We had an appt later that morning and the dr looked at her and said it was Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Aubrey had developed some bumps on her legs throughout the week that looked similar to the groin issue but I had no idea they were this thing.

Later Wednesday she was pretty fussy. She really just wanted to nurse and be held. Cuddle time was ok by me! Before bed I gave her some more Tylenol and she gagged on it and proceeded to throw up everything that was in her tummy - twice! Poor kiddo!

Thursday she was still not feeling great. She was still a little cuddle bug. Her temp was still coming in at 100.6. She was less fussy so it was a Tylenol free day. We hung out at home and had fun playing.

Friday she was down to 99.4 and not fussy at all! She came to work with me for a half day and was such a good girl during my meetings. Work is a lot more fun when she comes!

Today she was finally fever free! Now we just need to work on getting her appetite back. She hasn't been eating so well now for a week but now that she is beginning to feel better I hope she gets back on track with food. Wish us luck!

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