Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wiggle Worm

Aubrey really wants to be on the move! About two weeks ago she learned how to consistently roll from her belly to her back so now she can roll both ways. Good news for her - but now we need to be on the lookout at all times!

She has been really restless when going down to sleep at night. Typically she gets one last feeding in around 8 and falls asleep eating. The past few weeks though she has had some difficulty some nights getting to sleep. Brian has learned that if he lays down with her on our bed she rolls from her back to her side and cuddles right up to his chest. She is then asleep within 5 minutes. The other night was a tough sleep night so I tried Brian's little trick. She rolled and rolled for 30 minutes before finally zonking out. Awhile back I read that when a baby is learning a new skill or has just learned one they may wake up in the middle of the night to "practice" it. She is really trying to her her practice in. She'll start rolling around and getting up on her arms and toes all the while crying with her eyes closed. She is working really hard to crawl. She'll get there soon.

Here are some cute pics that don't necessarily have to do with the content of the post but they are cute. Here is Aubrey standing on her own (using the wall for balance), smiling up at me and not enjoying some bananas.

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