Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, May 28, 2010

8 months today!

Miss A is officially 8 months old today...holy cow! It's hard to believe our little baby is not so "little" anymore. I remember when she started school thinking that I didn't want any of the "big" kids (mobile kids) anywhere near her because I didn't want her to get trampled. Now she is one of the biggger kids in school. As of Tuesday she is the 2nd oldest in her classroom. I know that the parents of all of the little ones must be thinking the same thing about her that I was thinking - "Get that big kid away from my poor defenseless baby". The good news is that she isn't trampling them yet. She is trying like heck to crawl though. We have seen many rug burns on her chin, arms and knees. She keeps wiggling off her blanket onto the carpet where she rubs and rubs while trying to go anywhere. Check out the video for a laugh...

1 comment:

  1. She's quite the mover. It wouldn't surprise me if she's crawling by the end of the week!! she's very. very determined to get somewhere!!!
