Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Photo Shoot

Sunday we had unusually nice weather so we decided to take advantage of it. Aubrey and Brian went to church Sunday morning and then came to see me at work. I am working Sunday mornings for the city of Tempe with adult baseball. They hung out there and helped me clean up the fields and then we went to Liberty Market for lunch. Aubrey napped through most of lunch and when she woke up she was a happy camper! After lunch we went and took some pics outside. I realized Aubrey had never played in the grass so you get to see her first adventures with nature. She was very intrigued with the grass as well as the leaf that you see in the last picture. She had a good time checking everything out.
For awhile we even had an audience. Two older couples came along and were watching us try like heck to get her to smile for the camera. They got some good laughs in - hopefully they were laughing at Aubrey and how cute she is and not at her parents that were making lots of sounds that made us sound crazy!

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