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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Coming Home

Aubrey was super excited to take her baby home. We loaded both kiddos (one big and one very little) into the car and had only one hiccup over a shared blanket. Aubrey wasn't too thrilled that we had one of her blankets covering Ciara. Easy fix - I just gave Ciara a new one. It didn't seem worth a fight at that point.

We came home and Osito was excited to see everyone. He sniffed at Ciara and poked around in her seat to get a good wiff of her and then he was done. I attempted to get a picture of Brian and both girls. Aubrey was fooling around with an Ipod and wasn't interested in smiling for the camera. As you can see the after bath pictures are Ipod free and Aubrey was pumped to be holding her sister.

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