Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Payson Trip

We headed to Payson for our annual weekend trip. Last year our bowling team bowled in the tournament however this year we placed super low in our league so we didn't qualify to bowl. However Brian joined Tom and Shirley's team, who had placed 2nd in the league so he did get to bowl. We headed to Payson after work/school on Friday and by the time we got there it was bed time. We crawled into bed and Brian and Aubrey layed there with the tv on while I passed right out!

Saturday morning Aubrey and I were up early exploring outside. We saw some lizards that freaked her out! Brian got up and we headed to breakfast where Aubrey ate very little because she was distracted by the stairs and just wanted to climb up and down them. This girl loves stairs! We then went to check out a Farmer's Market where Aubrey was able to walk around and people watch.

By that time our bowling partners Don and Laurie got to town. They opted to have a weekend trip with us! We went to one of the local forests and did some hiking. We went down near the lake and Don, Laurie and Brian were skipping stones into the water. Aubrey saw this and just had to try. She had a blast picking up rocks and tossing them into the water. Don was clapping for her and after one throw he didn't clap so she said, "Clap, clap". Ah this little monkey!

After the hike we headed to dinner and then to the concert on the green. Aubrey spied the playground nearby so she spent half the evening at the slides and half the evening at the concert. She didn't want to sit with us on the blankets to watch - she wanted to get right up near the stage. We'd let her wander over and she'd just watch and listen and then occasionally she'd start to dance. She can wiggle her booty really well. We had a blast watching her dance!

1 comment:

  1. After just being with Aubrey I can clearly picture this whole scenerio-----all of you must have had a great weekend! She certainly does love music & dancing; must have been quite a sight with her throwing stones in the water......It was awesome being with all of you----thanks for the wonderful memories!!!!!!!!
