Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Baby in the Belly!

We are at 20 weeks! That's right....this baby is halfway there! Aubrey has been coming to my appointments with me each month. This month she got to sit up on the table with me and see things up close and personal. The doctor listened to the heartbeat first and asked Aubrey if she could hear the baby's heartbeat. Aubrey had no response but was probably thinking, "What baby? There's no baby here." She then got to see the baby on ultrasound and I think was again thinking - "You are silly. There is no baby here."

We occasionally will talk about the baby and tell her that she is going to be a big sister. I usually then will point to my belly and tell her the baby is in there. I don't think she understands because really for a 1.5 year old it's not all that normal to say there is a baby in your belly!

Brian was taking our 20 week belly shot on Wednesday. I knelt down and asked Aubrey to come over. She ran over and touched my belly button and said, "Baby". It was super cute....maybe she is starting to understand. As the date gets closer we are going to enroll in a Big Sibling class at the hospital to get Aubrey a bit more acclimated. She'll get to feed and change a baby doll and will get a tour of the hospital. She'll probably just be excited to be around a bunch of other kiddos.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, looks like Aubrey is starting to get the gist of becoming a big sister. Katie really took to it the half of my pregnancy and hopefully Aubrey will do the same, I had lots of fun asking Katie if it was a boy or a girl, and in my case she was right about having a baby sister... so excited for you guys!
