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Saturday, June 4, 2011

We're growing...

Here are some ultrasound pics of our new little Bourque. We had an ultrasound at 12 weeks and the tech was able to do some 3D shots as well. That was always something we had wanted with Aubrey but we were never offered the choice. I am now going to a new practice, which uses a different ultrasound place, and apparently this place will do the 3D without even asking! Ok by me! These pics are really pretty cool because you can really make out what you are seeing. The baby is approximately the size of a lime (measuring in at about 2 inches). You'd never know that the baby is really only that big looking at these pictures!

There is also a picture of my belly at 13 weeks. There's a shadow behind it which makes it look a bit bigger than it really is. We compared the 13 week picture from Aubrey with this one and surprisingly it doesn't seem to be all that different. However, after a full day of food Brian and I would swear I look about 6 months pregnant! We'll post more belly pics each week and then more baby pics as we get those.


  1. we are so excited for you guys!! Aubrey is going to be a great big sister, as long as she is ok with sharing you! :) haha

  2. Yay!!! So happy for you and Brian :) I hope Aubrey is ready to share her momma , lol
