Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

21 months

Miss Aubrey hit the big 21 today! I can't believe she is almost two. When you ask her how old she is she'll tell you two. I guess she's jumping ahead! She's growing like a weed - she feels like she's put on some weight and she has definitely gotten taller. She can count to 10 but usually skips number 5. She knows her colors: red, blue, green, purple, orange, black and yellow. She can tell you the names of various animals and the noises they make: cows, dogs, cats, birds, frogs and sheep. She loves to sing her ABC's although there are a few letters missing in her song. She also loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and The Wheels on the Bus (her current favorites). She knows lots of shapes (square, circle, heart, diamond and oval). She has a ton of words and loves to repeat words she hears. This little girl is one smart cookie!


  1. but the pic is so cute though because she's sleeping just like her Daddy! :)
